Before choosing the solution, find out how you can structure it
We offer you all the computing power you need. How? We decide it together based on your company's historical data, the objectives to monitor and update frequency.
Our unit of measurement is the compute node, i.e. the product of all these factors. And if choosing the best option seems too difficult, don't worry about the calculations, we'll help you out

Our packages are based on how your team is structured. We have divided them into three types. Standard: For users who can only view the sections and widgets shared by master users. Premium: For users who can edit the sections and widgets shared by the master in addition to viewing them. Master: For users, usually Project Managers, who create, view, and modify all the company’s Suite Vedrai content

Based on individual needs, we support your decision-making process with one or more specialized virtual advisors. Just like real-life advisors, each of them has the required skills and expertise:
Are complete and structured according to the goals of your business. Any questions?
We'll answer you